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Navigating the Dashboard

Understand the Live Tourney Dashboard Layout.

Dashboard Overview

The admin dashboard is Live Tourney’s home screen. In this area, you can create new events, modify existing events, manage assets, access support and resources, and update you admin and subscription settings.

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Creating Events

The ability to “Create” an event is one of the first options when navigating the dashboard. Here, you can create single round, multi-round, round robin, bracket, and ryder cup event formats.

Managing Events

The bulk of the admin screen shows a list of previously created events. Depending on the results you wish to see, you can filter or sort the results based on dates, archives, and leagues.

Managing events, commonly known as the … event management dropdown, is how you can modify existing events.

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Managing Assets

Below “Create” is the “Manage” category on the dashboard. This section allows the user to navigate to leagues, courses, rosters, email communications, and automations.

Technical Support & Resources

We primarily support customers through two primary functions including our technical user documentation as well as same day chat support.

We are also available for zoom calls as needed.

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Under the “Resources” header, the user is able to access our affiliate partnership perks, learn about new features, submit feedback, or refer others.

Admin Settings

The gear icon on the bottom left corner of the dashboard will let you manage account and subscription settings.

The following components can be managed here:

  • Account name & email
  • Default logo printable materials
  • Manage Live Tourney payment and subscription
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