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Edit Tees

Change who plays from what tees


Edit Tees allows you to designate specific tees for individual players. This article will describe functionality within Live Tourney to change tees after an event has been created.


Create default player tees within your roster instead of manually changing tees in “Edit Tees”

Getting Started

To access Edit Tees, you must finish the event setup process, then select the event dropdown ellipsis (…) located to the right of your event name in the main dashboard. This button will offer an assortment of options to manage and modify your event.

How to Change Tees

Once you have selected Edit Tees, a screen will appear with a list of players and their associated index, course handicap, and designated tees for the event. To alter tees, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the select tees dropdown at the top of the page, then choose your tee box.
  1. Filter players by flight , tees, or course handicap.
  1. On the player list, click the check next to one or many player names signifying who you would like to change to the new tee.
  1. Finalize your designation by clicking update tees.
Notion image


In an effort to make events equitable, it is likely you will need to specify unique tees based on your roster of players. Edit Tees, located in the event management dropdown, will be your tool for modifying tees.

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