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What is the player experience for leagues?

How player’s will interact with leagues

Sharing League Information

Now that your league is created, its time to share it with your members. Live Tourney has native email functionality built into the mail icon on the top right corner of the league admin dashboard. Through this icon, you can leverage our dynamic email interface to share the below league information with participants.

By clicking “Public View” at the top of your league admin page, you will be taken to a player facing web browser highlighting two essential tabs: Standings and Schedule.

Standings: The Standings tab allows players to see their ranking in the league based on points and payouts earned in tournaments. By clicking into an individual, you can see in which events they partook. Standings offers a clear view of how players stack up against each other.

Schedule: The Schedule tab serves as a calendar of events, displaying previously held, as well as upcoming tournaments. By clicking into a specific event, the viewer can access scorecards and leaderboards from events attached to the league.

Information: In the admin league view, you are able to put league details through the description box. This information will be rendered on the public league view under the “Information” tab.

With the Standings and Schedule tabs, players can track their progress, compare standings, and stay informed about upcoming tournaments and past results.

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