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Round Robin: Add Round

Add rounds to your existing Round Robin event


In this article, we will explore the “Add Round” section in the event dropdown section for your Round Robin event. Adding rounds allows you to expand your existing Round Robin event with more rounds.

Getting Started

To add round, you must finish the event setup process, then select the event dropdown … ellipsis located to the right of the event name in the main dashboard. This button will give you an assortment of options to manage and modify your event.

Step 1: Add Round Info

Adding rounds to your round robin event involves two parts. In the first part, set up the round information, including:

  • Tee Times or Shotgun Start: Choose the starting method for the round.
  • Round Name: Enter a name for the round.
  • Round Date: Specify the date of the round.
  • Course and Tee: Select the golf course and tee for the round.
  • Holes: Choose between 9 or 18 holes.
  • Game Type: Select the game type for the round.
  • Handicap Allowance: Specify the handicap allowances for the round.
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Step 2: Add Pairings

In the second part, create the matches for each group. Live Tourney will automatically generate matches for each group, but you can make changes by clicking the dropdown and selecting a different player or team for the match.

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