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Registration Events: Manage Registrations

Modify or view registration details


In this article, we will explore the “Manage Registrations” section in the event dropdown section for your registration event. This section is where you can update and view registration details.

Getting Started

To manage registrations, you must finish the registration setup process, then select the event dropdown … ellipsis located to the right of the event name in the main dashboard. This button will give you an assortment of options to manage and modify your event.

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Update Registration Information

Within “Manage Registrations”, you will be able to modify details such as event name, max player count, registration cut off date, GHIN requirement during registration, adding/removing registration questions, and adding players.

Manually Add Registrants

By selecting “Add Players +” you are able to add players in the following ways.

  • My Roster: Search and add players from your main Live Tourney roster
  • Manual: Manually add in a participant
  • WHS: Leverage the world handicap system to find and add players
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Manage Registrants

Within “Manage Registrations”, the bottom of the screen will show a list of registrants. You will be able to download the list to a spreadsheet, edit registrant information, or cancel registrations.

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