This article summarizes customizeable, printable materials and reports available within your event including scorecards, tee sheets, handicap reports, alpha lists, cart signs, and printable leaderboards.
Getting Started
To access Print Scorecards and Reports, you must finish the event setup process, then select the event dropdown ellipsis (…) located to the right of your event name in the main dashboard. This button will offer an assortment of report options. The following pages provide detailed documentation on all print and report options within Live Tourney.
Report Center Overview
Upon entering the report center, there is a customization column on the left side of the screen which allows you to toggle between report type and select either templated reports or customization elements.
Leverage element objects such as images, QR codes, text boxes, markers, scorecard tables, and rectangular objects to customize your unique report or scorecard.
Dictate layering of elements already added within the scorecard.
Save your own template on the top right of your screen, or leverage an existing, community submitted template. Templates can be customized using element objects.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F7b6810eb-33da-4e19-a2de-094d033447e7%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_7.14.56_PM.png?table=block&id=f78c0adc-8062-48dc-9b37-956847b5e2b9&cache=v2)
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F26390fb8-440e-41f4-8ed0-8ce881d23d63%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_7.15.07_PM.png?table=block&id=03d43422-782d-4d82-bbfe-48717b813c88&cache=v2)
Live Tourney provides customizable scorecards in a readily printable format for your upcoming event. The below shows a basic representation of your Live Tourney scorecard.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fsecure.notion-static.com%2F9dd21a00-1471-44e9-916d-87dacb78ccd0%2FScreenshot_2023-07-24_at_1.37.38_PM.png?table=block&id=c797a16d-f8ed-4bbb-a288-88f7a2f83ec2&cache=v2)
Scorecard Customization
The above scorecard is a culmination of elements such as text, image, QR code, and scorecard table objects. By selecting any of the elements on the scorecard, you will be able to edit them. below are element customization options.
- Image Element:
- Change image and opacity
- Text Element:
- Text formatting customization and leverage dynamic text fields
- QR Code Element:
- Add an URL to your custom QR code
- Scorecard Table:
- Scorecard Options: Show or hide flights, player tees, game format, handicaps, dots, slash handicaps, or signature row
- Tees: Show additional tees allows you to show more tee boxes at the top of the card than the default tees for the event
- Colors: Select cells with your curser, then chose a color to add to the scorecard for the selected cells
- Pace of Play: Show or hide pace of play
- Rows: Add or remove player, team, or custom rows
- Marker Element:
- Edit marker text
- Rectangle Element:
- Edit background and border colors and width
Tee Sheet, Handicap Report, and Alpha List
Tee Sheet & Element Customization
By selecting the “tee sheet” element or clicking on the tee sheet list on the report, you are able to modify the following.
- Show either tee time or specific hole
- Sort list by first or last name
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F0493d589-a535-484e-b6cb-057c004b5767%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_8.28.09_PM.png?table=block&id=86a975b9-d7cf-4dc1-a08f-46fb7eeabd93&cache=v2)
Handicap Report & Element Customization
By selecting the “handicap report” element or clicking on the handicap table on the report, you are able to modify the following.
- Show all, or specific flights
- Show or hide index
- Show or hide course handicap
- Show or hide starting hole
- Show or hide team number
- Sort list by index, course handicap, starting hole, or team number
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2Ff80c8509-b49a-47a2-a24e-79cf973530d5%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_8.28.24_PM.png?table=block&id=50ba8f37-68d5-4e9c-8d2b-58792bb75297&cache=v2)
Alpha List & Element Customization
By selecting the “alpha list” element or clicking on the alpha list on the report, you are able to modify the following.
- Modify alpha list column to show either tee time or hole
- Sort list by first or last name
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2Fa502b430-6b71-46ef-bf07-1efe667ddf28%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_8.28.46_PM.png?table=block&id=fde4488e-1708-49b3-bfec-b89f3a440098&cache=v2)
Cart Signs
Live Tourney has a customizable cart sign option within the report types dropdown in your report center.
Cart Sign & Customization
Within the cart sign, you have the ability add or modify previously mentioned elements such as text, images, QR codes, and rectangular objects.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fsecure.notion-static.com%2F2cfb58f7-e6a2-483a-b7b2-84d7a03e964c%2FScreenshot_2023-07-24_at_4.28.19_PM.png?table=block&id=dbbfe188-4d45-4b6a-a008-311e81d90626&cache=v2)
Printable Scoreboard
Live Tourney has a customizable scoreboard within the report types dropdown in your report center.
Scoreboard & Customization
Within the scoreboard, you have the ability add or modify previously mentioned elements such as text, images, QR codes, and rectangular objects.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F3cba1461-29fd-40ac-8752-e7e206b5c2a8%2FScreenshot_2024-05-04_at_8.56.54_PM.png?table=block&id=d2a5af9d-e019-4eee-8a8c-9afbd335b3b4&cache=v2)
Results Report
Live Tourney has a results printout which can display the following results.
Results Report Customization
Within the scoreboard, you have the ability add or modify previously mentioned elements such as text, images, QR codes, leaderboard and rectangular objects.
By clicking on the category dropdowns, you can show or hide components of the printable results.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F5ffc5713-abe3-4a49-80f0-3e22cb7bf884%2FScreenshot_2024-09-18_at_2.14.30_PM.png?table=block&id=65648ce8-3905-4449-ac6d-fbccede81927&cache=v2)
Modifying results within each category can be accomplished by clicking on that specific leaderboard element within the results report where you can:
- Show or hide first and last names
- Show or hide gross or net results for overall, flights, skins, and deuces.
Pin Sheets
Print pin sheets created in Hole By Hole Settings.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F63fa7f16-b24b-40e3-b996-4de906dca753%2FScreenshot_2025-01-19_at_1.16.18_PM.png?table=block&id=79a7e475-166f-485e-8a24-f0929abdae7a&cache=v2)
Labels and bag tags are auto generated and printable within the “Labels” type dropdown in print scorecards and reports.
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F836cf897-c1e8-432c-a79d-8168a430770a%2FScreenshot_2025-01-19_at_1.15.53_PM.png?table=block&id=a6cf75d9-3fbb-4bf4-a904-a59b352ef75e&cache=v2)
Print Report or Scorecard
On the top right of your screen in the report center, there is a green print button.
Printer Settings
In order for your scorecards to correctly print out with 2 per page make sure you have the following options set in your printer settings:
- Margins needs to be set to None
- Scale needs to be set to default
- Must be printed in landscape
Here is an example of what your printer settings should look like:
![Notion image](https://www.notion.so/image/https%3A%2F%2Fprod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2F03dc3a68-d74f-4e8a-9665-3790bafbd047%2F8108a4ea-d1ef-4d50-b352-abec6e71ad53%2FUntitled.png?table=block&id=6267e462-70ef-4f0d-935e-ae32f5acc644&cache=v2)