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Edit Pairings / Handicaps

Modify/round handicaps, or edit pairing information such as starting hole, tee time, or new groups


Edit Pairings / Handicaps allows you to designate specific tees for individual players. This article will describe functionality within Live Tourney to change these details after an event has been created.

Getting Started

To access Edit Pairings / Handicaps, you must finish the event setup process, then select the event dropdown ellipsis (…) located to the right of your event name in the main dashboard. The view, shown below, will offer an assortment of options to manage and modify your event.

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Edit Handicap Information

Edit Handicaps by Revision Date:

On the top part of your screen, there is a toggle to select whether to revise handicaps based on a specific point in time, or revise based on the lowest handicap from the specified date until today.

  • For example, if I wanted to get a players lowest handicap since 2020, I would set the toggle at “Low Handicap”, then type in a date of 01/01/2020.

Competition Scores:

Calculate handicaps using only posted “competition” scores rather than all posted scores

Edit Handicaps Manually:

By selecting the pencil icon next to a pairing, you will be prompted to type in a new handicap.

Rounding Handicaps:

From the top left if the “Edit Pairings / Handicaps” page, handicaps can be rounded in the following methods:

  • Nearest whole number
  • Nearest half stroke
  • Nearest tenth of a stroke
  • Up to whole number
  • Up to half stroke
  • Up to tenth of a stroke
  • Down to whole number
  • Down to half stroke
  • Down to tenth of a stroke
You can find the math behind any given handicap by clicking the information icon next the the associated handicap.

Edit Pairing Information

In the “Edit Pairings and Handicaps” view, you have the ability to configure pairing specific information such as starting group, starting hole, and tee time.

Adding Groups:

By selecting the “Add Group +” button on the top right of the screen, you will be prompted to input the new group details such as starting hole, A/B position, and tee time. Once the new group is created, drag and drop teams into the open slot.

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Before creating new groups, you be sure to add players/teams from your roster


For a created event needing minor personnel tweaks, “Edit Pairings and Handicaps” will allow an admin to update team specific details and modify handicap information.

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