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Online Leaderboard & Scorecard Navigation

Plug in scores and track your position against the field.

Getting Started

If you are reading this document, you are a player trying to access or navigate the mobile view of your Live Tourney leaderboard and scorecard. First and foremost, we recommend contacting your tournament organizer or club pro for more information on your unique event and how to access it.

If you are a tournament coordinator trying to figure out how to customize your leaderboard, we recommend this article on leaderboard customization.

Accessing the Leaderboard

Rather than downloading an app to your phone, Live Tourney’s leaderboards are accessible through a mobile browser. The leaderboard can be accessed in many ways including the below:

  • QR Code: If your organizer printed scorecards or tee sheets, you will be able to scan the QR code associated with the event.
  • Email: Your organizer has the option to email the leaderboard url.
  • Leagues: If your tournament coordinator has a league set up in Live Tourney, you will be able to access events from that page.

Navigating the Live Tourney Mobile Site

The following are screenshots of different components of our mobile leaderboard and scorecard. While this will encompass every component of Live Tourney, your tournament coordinator may disable access depending on the tournament specifics.


Below is an example view of the Live Tourney mobile leaderboard for an event. As scores are added from the scorecard, this leaderboard will update in real time.

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By selecting the scorecard tab on the site, you’ll be prompted to enter a scorecard code. This code, accessible via the printed scorecard, tee sheet, or email, will allow access the below scorecard where the player can enter in hole by hole scores.

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Hole by Hole Scores

By clicking into any particular group in the leaderboard, you are able to see hole by hole scores as they are entered.

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The Dropdown Menu

Accessible on the top right 3 line menu in your Live Tourney mobile leaderboard, this section includes details on pairings, skins, contest results, and parimutuel.


View partners, starting hole, and tee time.

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Contest Results

Track game results such as closest to the pin or long drive.

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Pin Sheet

Surface pin sheet data for each hole.

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See who owns what gross, net, team, or flight skins as they update real time

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Team Scores

A college scoring format where you can show total scores for the top N within a flight.

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See live odds based on submitted win, place, and show bets.

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Track putts hole by hole and view results.

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