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Edit Scores

Verify, edit, copy, save, and lock scores


Edit Scores allows you to verify, edit, copy, and lock scores. This article will describe functionality within Live Tourney to edit scores after an event has been created.

Getting Started

To access Edit Scores, you must finish the event setup process, then select the event dropdown ellipsis (…) located to the right of your event name in the main dashboard. This button will offer an assortment of options to manage and modify your event.

How to Edit Scores

Within the Edit Scores tab, you will see a list of teams and have the ability to click into them to view individual scorecards. There are a handful of useful actions for your tournament admin within this interface.

  • Verify Scores: Simply view submitted scorecards.
  • Edit Scores: In the event a team does not fill out their Live Tourney digital scorecard, this is where you will type in scores from their round.
  • Save Scores: This is how you save scores you’ve added or updated.
  • Save & Lock Scores: This is how you save scores while locking out the player from further alterations on their digital scorecard.
  • Copy Scores: In the event you have multiple events you’d like populated with the same scores, you can copy scores to another event through Edit Scores advanced options.
  • Export Scores: Export gross or net scores to a CSV file.
  • Simulate or remove all scores
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Edit Scores in Live Tourney gives admins the power to verify, edit, copy, save, and lock scores within Live Tourney.

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